How to Summon Devil Mew in Pokemon X & Y

Devil Mew is a super scary pokemon that you can get in Pokemon X and Y. But, you have to do this ritual!


1. Put your 3DS (with the Pokemon game inside it) on a flat surface
2. Get 4 candles and put it around the 3DS
3. Then say 'Omagogarelolatolla Evilpatrixxxsucksdicksandmanymore!'
4. Devil Mew will pop out of your 3DS and will mak ur grammer wurs and wurse
5. U'LL END UP TYPING DOWN WIERD STUF- 6666666666666666666666666666666666666 YOU'RE NEXT!
devil_mew_by_themystichusky-d5jmuyk.png|DIS IS DEVIL MEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|linktext=THAT IS HIIIM LOOOKY OOKY ON YO WITH DAT SCAAARYYYYYYYY LAWK AF HAS

who was phone?
-_- what are you looking at? It's over now....